Sunday, August 14, 2005

God to Pope: I’ll damn sexual abuse whistle-blowers to hell

God to Pope: I’ll damn sexual abuse whistle-blowers to hell

Didn’t get around to posting this earlier, so you probably read the news already: Turns out that the Catholic Church’s cover-ups of pedophile priets was on orders from God directly (who of course whispers in the Pope’s ear). As The Guardian put it
The 69-page Latin document bearing the seal of Pope John XXIII [in 1962] was sent to every bishop in the world. The instructions outline a policy of ’strictest’ secrecy in dealing with allegations of sexual abuse and threatens those who speak out with excommunication…. British lawyer Richard Scorer, who acts for children abused by Catholic priests in the UK… said: “We always suspected that the Catholic Church systematically covered up abuse and tried to silence victims. This document appears to prove it. Threatening excommunication to anybody who speaks out shows the lengths the most senior figures in the Vatican were prepared to go to prevent the information getting out to the public domain.”
Here’s The Guardian’s piece: Vatican told bishops to cover up sex abuse And a few op-ed comments on it are here: ‘One of the biggest scandals of our times’

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