Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hilarious Personal Ad

slave wanted:

My Master is in the market for one of those slave companion things that people keep talking about.

You don’t even have to be bi. I’m not after your pussy. I’m after your domestic goddess-ness.

You’ll have to cook and clean. Not all the time. Just sometimes. I’ll help.

You’ll have to fuck him. Not all the time. Just sometimes. I’ll help with that, too.

You’ll have to be the anal girl. All the time. ~nods~


*Looks: Uglier than me
*Age: Older than me
*Weight: Fatter than me
*Height: Taller than me so you can reach the stuff on the high shelves
*Smarts: Meh. Who cares. I’m not in this for your conversational skillz.
*Sexual talents: Worse than mine, except for anal. Excel in that area plz.




I’m sure we’ll come up with something.

The line starts to the left. Don’t crowd.